Resilience in times of changes
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Silouan, 35 people (including myself) were lucky to participate in the “Coping Strategies and Resilience” seminar that was provided by @GMRC-Liban.
The seminar took place @St-George-Bsalim Church on the 17th and 24th of September 2020. As it’s title states, the 1st day of the seminar was filled with practical information about coping strategies with continuous unrest events, how to provide social support to people that were subject to traumatic event(s), and how to approach traumatic individuals from all ages.
One the 2nd day (The workshop day) we were given real case studies that presented different types of psychological disorders. In groups, we analyzed the cases, the background of the individuals, and provided our opinion on how best to deal with them. The exercise not only presented a platform for all participants to express their thoughts and share their experience, it widened their perspective with each input made by both Dr. Maryse Hayek and Dr. Fadi Abou-Mrad (highly thankful for their professionalism and efforts)
Personally, I was able to relate to some of the cases, and STRONGLY relate with others. I am sure that my future action and reaction to the people in my surrounding will be made based on the information I received during the 2 days of the events.
Moreover, I now know that to be more Resilient, I need to eat better, exercise 15min a day, accept that There are some things that are out of my control, have more friends and better social life, and always remember GOD.
Special thank you for Fr. Youhanna Azar and Fr. Melhem Hourani for making this experience possible and for their enriching input.
Joanne MITRI
Holy Theophany Church – Naccache